Hi friends and family,
Wishing to those of you who celebrate the Jewish New Year, a blessed holiday and all the very best for the New Year – 5779! Here is a cute song and dance video a friend sent me, and I thought it would bring a smile to you as well! http://www.aish.com/h/hh/video/Get-Clarity-Aishcoms-Rosh-Hashanah-Music-Video.html
See below for my Fall classes and also for information on my cousin Michelle’s Fall yoga retreat for women in Vermont! Sounds heavenly!
Falls Prevention Talk and Practice with Tai Chi Easy™
Friday, September 21: 1:00 – 2:30 pm
With Melissa Elstein, Tai Chi Easy™ Facilitator &
Shannon O’Connor, DOROT Staff
As part of Falls Prevention Week at Dorot, this workshop is a part-lecture, part-exercise class. Shannon will introduce tips to prevent falls and become more mindful when moving throughout your home or the community. Melissa will teach Tai Chi Easy™, a simplified yet practical version of Tai Chi created by Roger Jahnke, O.M.D. Learn weight shifting exercises (and starting with Melissa’s chair exercise warmups), to gain confidence and leg strength. This Tai Chi Easy™ class will include standing while holding the chair for support and weight shifting, but not tai chi walking.
Focus in motion with us!
Rsvp to Shannon O’Connor required for attendance to this Workshop:
(917) 441-3743 or soconnor@dorotusa.org
Main Tel: (212) 769-2850
Check out DOROT’s Wellness Program!
Seated Tai Chi Easy TM Teleclass:
Dorot Center for Seniors “University Without Walls”
This telephone class brings the benefits of seated qigong, meditation, and breathwork to those who cannot attend in-person classes. This is now our fifth semester of our teleclass, and I have found that distance is no obstacle to having a profound group and individual experience. Written materials are provided in advance of the class, and each session is devoted to reading and discussing the materials, alternating with experiential movement and guided meditations. This class meets Fridays 10 – 11 am November 2 – January 18. Please call Dorot to sign up, or for a catalog. No prior experience is necessary! In general, Dorot’s University Without Walls is a wonderful resource for telephone learning and community-building, and their courses cover a myriad of topics. Please help spread the word about this wonderful resource! http://www.dorotusa.org/site/PageServer?pagename=seniors_programs_on_phone_D#.W5fW6ehKiUk
Check out DOROT’s Wellness Program!
(212) 769-2850