Please join me at my new seminar “Finding Serenity” at the Elizabeth Seton’s Women Center this Tuesday evening. Well-received when I have taught this seminar at various corporations and law firms, I am happy to now share these tips and tools with you at this Upper Westside healing oasis. We will have time to practice the techniques listed below, as well as time for discussion, so bring your questions! This will be a fun and interactive workshop!
This is a workshop for the modern New York woman that will teach you techniques that bring calm into any situation, no matter how stressful. Most of us in NYC are living under enormous stress; our fast-paced environment, city noise, crowds, work demands, the high costs of living – well, those are just some of the common stressors we all face on a daily basis. Combine that with family demands and perhaps health issues, and it is no wonder that many of us find it challenging to keep focused and calm throughout the day. At night, many of us may have troubling sleeping as anxious thoughts swirl incessantly in our minds.
But there are simple and practical tools that can help you to slow and calm down, and provide relief from anxiety and stress. We will learn techniques that can be done at your office or home – techniques that provide true benefits and healing in just minutes. These techniques, such as chair yoga; seated tai chi easy and qigong; use of essential oils; guided meditations; and guided visualizations, have helped me in my own life enormously and that is why I want to share them with you as well. As someone who is Type A and prone to anxiety, I can attest that these techniques will help you to focus and calm your mind, relax your body, and bring peace to your spirit.
So I invite you to join me in this experiential wellness workshop and find your path to serenity!