This Wednesday, is 12/12/12 and a new moon is the next day. So it is a very auspicious time to write down your wishes, desires, plans for the New Year and the New Era – one that begins on Dec. 21 when the ancient Mayan calendar ends. This also marks the shift from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age. (See “A Planetary Awakening” – great book by Kathy Newburn).
You can do a vision board and/or a written life plan this Wednesday evening, and take some time to create your own ceremony or ritual around this.
It could also be a nice time to join with others in a group meditation or group wish, as we are now moving into a time of community, of brotherhood and sisterhood. An understanding of our interconnectedness, with one another and with all on the planet.
So mark your calendars, and may our wishes for a positive future come true!