I have been enjoying volunteering on Micah Lasher’s campaign and supporting a uniquely qualified candidate for my district’s state senate seat. Because this will be the third election primary in just several months, and is unfortunately sandwiched between the Congressional and Presidential primaries, inspiring people to come out to vote is a large part of the campaign. I have been flyering at various UWS locations, as well as hosting and attending meet and greets with the candidate. Micah is a lovely person who has spent much of his life working in the public sector, as an aid to Congressman Nadler, representing NYC in Albany under Mayor Bloomberg, and most recently as Chief of Staff for NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman.
In the decade we have known each other, I have consistently found Micah to be thoughtful and intelligent, and with the professional demeanor so needed these days in politics. He is endorsed by the NY League of Conservation Voters for his environmental stances and policies, and I believe his progressive views will be especially valuable in Albany at this time. To read more about my friend Micah’s campaign, see http://www.lasherforsenate.com If you live in Marble Hill in the Bronx, or reside in Inwood or Washington Heights, or along the west side of Manhattan from Harlem and UWS down to Chelsea, you may be in this State Senate District 31 (I say may because it is not a straight line with so many zig-zags and cut-outs due to gerrymandering). In any case, I am happy to support Micah for political office, and I hope you will enjoy reading about him and consider supporting him as well! If you have an interest in doing some volunteer campaigning, volunteers are always needed! I have found it an enjoyable way to meet people and discuss local issues. Please remember to vote on Sept. 13, and tell your friends!