Hi everyone,
I just returned from a wonderful trip to England, visiting London and then the countryside. Both the city and the English countryside are beautiful, with wonderful old architecture preserved and well maintained, well-tended gardens, and clean streets. While sightseeing, I observed myself thinking and wishing that NYC could be more like elegant London, with its lack of graffiti and strewn litter, and respect for historic buildings. But upon my return home this week, and my routine, I find myself appreciating NYC once again. No other city that I have visited offers the diversity and wealth of health options as NYC. Here there is a yoga center, dance school, karate or martial arts school, gym, health food store, and some kind of holistic practitioner or healing center, it seems, every 10-20 blocks. I always appreciate the options we have here, but whenever I return from vacation I especially realize how wonderful NYC is – warts and all.