Hi everyone,
I hope you’re enjoying your summer so far. I just returned from an amazing vacation; hiking and staying at the lodges in the Grand Canyon (North Rim), Bryce, and Zion parks. This was my first time experiencing these unique natural places, and I know it sounds corny, but each park’s distinct beauty and energy brought me to tears. I wasn’t expecting to get so emotional, but upon arriving at the Grand Canyon and Zion, in particular, the enormity and beauty of the rock formations overwhelmed me. The parks felt like enormous earthly temples. I know from speaking with others that my experience was not unique. In fact, I was fascinated to read on a park information sign at the “Cathedral” that one of the first geologists to work at the Grand Canyon, a Western student of Eastern philosophy and religion, saw parallels between man-made temples in India and China and these incredible rock formations. Thus, many of the formations are named after Hindu deities, such as Vishnu, and figures from Eastern literature. As a student of yoga and, more recently, qigong, I found this intriguing.
If you haven’t been to these national parks, I highly recommend this trip (even withstanding our drive back to Vegas in 116 ° heat! And no, just because there’s no humidity doesn’t mean it doesn’t feel hot!