Archive for Spiritual coaching

August 2015 – Psychosynthesis Life Coaching and 2015 Conference

I hope you are enjoying your Summer, and hard to believe it is already August!

I am writing from the beautiful city of Montreal, where, for the next few days, I am sightseeing with my husband, before I attend my second Psychosynthesis Conference – this year at John Abbott College outside of Montreal. I have completed a coaching training program with the Synthesis Center in Amherst, Mass.  I did the 2-year teletraining and independent study option, and loved every minute of it.

I find the psychology theory developed by Italian psychiatrist Roberto Assagioli (a contemporary of Freud and Jung) to be resonant with my beliefs, as Assagioli studied not only Western medicine and psychology, but also Eastern spiritual traditions and yoga philosophy. He developed his own unique system of psychology that merged these studies, and essentially focused on the wholeness of the human being – not the dysfunction. It is very interesting work, and although Assagioli passed away, his work continues through the practitioners trained in his modality all over the world, and it continues to evolve. It even includes eco-synthesis or eco-psychology (how our impact on the planet and environment psychologically affects us as individuals and groups).

More recently, life coaching from a psychosynthesis perspective has been growing in popularity, as it combines practical life skills coaching with spiritual growth (either explicitly with the client or with an underlying implicit spiritual understanding on the part of the coach). For more information of Psychosynthesis and the conference I am attending, see . If you are interested in psychosynthesis coaching, please contact me! Any area of your life can be improved using this technique, from business advancement to improving relationships, and more.