I am teaching four Sunday adult ballet classes for my ballet teacher, Finis Jhung, at the Alvin Ailey Dance Extension Program. See below for the exact dates and times of these “Absolute Beginner Ballet” and “Beginner Ballet” classes. Both levels are taught in the style of Finis Jhung, as I have completed a teacher training with him, and continue to study with him. We will be using compilations of his beautiful classical music cds, composed specifically for his classes. You can wear yoga clothes if you don’t have dance leotards and tights, but I do suggest you purchase a pair of canvas ballet slippers (at Capezios, Bloch, or elsewhere) for under $ 20. If you have any questions about ballet supplies, please email me!

Alvin Ailey Dance Extension
Absolute Beginner Ballet for Adults on Sundays, June 9 and August 4 at noon – 1:30 pm:
This class is open to all, whether you have ballet experience and want to review the basics or you are a brand-new beginner. Non-dancers will not be intimidated as the instructions are clear and the class moves at a slow pace. We begin standing ballet exercises at a portable barre in front of the mirror. Most exercises are done with both hands on the barre and proceed slowly and methodically, and the second time we practice away from the barre so balance and strength are further developed. In Absolute Beginner Ballet, students learn the basics of correct dance posture, positioning, and balancing on one leg. The centerwork includes stretching on the floor, as well as basic dance movements which travel across the floor. Ballet helps increase coordination, balance and memory, and movements are coordinated with beautiful classical music. I enjoy taking the Absolute Beginner class, because I find the slow, mindful dance movements to be like a zen yogic flow — meditative, but also with the added benefits mentioned above. I am very happy to be teaching this class as I believe in Finis’ movement principles, and see many parallels with the Tai Chi Easy/ Qigong classes I teach (fall prevention, movement quality, strength and grace, etc.).

Beginner Ballet for Adults on Sundays, June 9 and August 4 at 2:00 – 3:30 pm:
The Beginner Ballet class is for people who have had prior dance experience, because the barre moves much faster and the center includes turns and jumps. The combinations are longer and more complex than the Absolute Beginner Ballet, but the underlying technical principles remain the same.
photo by Stephen Von der Launitz___________